Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thing 20--Video Smideo

Videos—OK, OK, the cute cats and funny dogs are fairly entertaining, if there’s nothing else to do, if I’ve read every book in the house, if I’ve run out of all my art supplies, if there’s nothing in the kitchen to bake, if there’s not even a dirty bathtub to clean. What can I say—I’m just not taken with the whole video thing. Sure, I can image that making one yourself is interesting, but just sitting around and watching a few gets real tiring, real soon.

None the less, I did find the following video from a museum that shows a model of a Da Vinci invention—a good way to show what would normally have been a stiff, silent, immobile object in motion.

Leonardo’s Automobile, Institute and Museum of the History of Science. Florence, Italy

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